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Game Rules

The game rules apply in addition to the Terms & Conditions. You should also consult the Terms & Conditions, especially Section 6, if your account is banned, or simply to see what is and isn't allowed.

Attempting to circumvent the game rules will be treated as a violation and shall be punished accordingly. Inciting, manipulating, encouraging, assisting or conspiring with others to violate any of the Travian rules is impermissible. All game rules still apply to players wanting to delete their account or players who are in the process of deleting their account.


  • Avatar: The avatar represents you in one of the game worlds of Travian Kingdoms and is bound to your account.
  • Dual: A dual avatar is an avatar that is played by multiple players in order to achieve a longer period of sustained online activity. They play together and confer with each other about what needs to be done for the avatar. A dual avatar is useful as each player can balance the strengths and weaknesses of one another, leading to an overall benefit for the whole avatar. Additionally, all players of the avatar usually have the same rights as the account owner connected to the avatar. So they can also spend your Gold!
  • Sitter: A sitter is a player from your surroundings, or even better, from your kingdom, who helps out with your avatar. If possible, you should regularly speak to each other and arrange to be online at different times, ensuring the avatar will be played even more actively by the sitter. Moreover, it is advantageous if each of you has a different focus (offensive/defensive).

§1. Account & Avatar

§1.1 Every player is allowed to have only one account. The account name can only be changed in the account via the edit option and it can only be changed to one of your avatar names. It is not possible to rename an avatar. In addition, the Travian support team is allowed to change an avatar's name at any time, if the name is in violation of the rules.

§1.2 The owner of an account is the person whose email address is associated with the account and who is fully responsible for all actions taken by the account or avatar. The email address used for registering an account must be under the personal and exclusive control of the person who registered the account. The person owning the email address used to register an account is considered the owner of the account, regardless of any other agreements. If you wish to change your registered email address, you can do so in your account ( using the edit option. In cases of reasonable doubt, the Rule Enforcement Team is allowed to ask for the email address of the account for verification purposes. Changing the account’s email address to another person’s email address is considered as the transferal of ownership of the account to that person. The transfer of Gold to another (lobby) account is not possible.

§1.3 Passing on the account password is not permitted. If you want to use a dual avatar, you need to add the account of your dual to your avatar.

§1.4 Avatars that are connected via the sitter function may not share the same password. Accounts or avatars that are played from the same computer may also not have the same password. Travian Games does not compensate an account owner for any damages incurred to the avatar by a person who has received the password to the account. No member of Travian Games staff will ever ask for your password.

§1.5 An inactive avatar will be deleted no earlier than 7 days after the last login.

§1.6 The use of alternating email addresses is not allowed and may result in immediate deletion.

§2. Sitting and using the same PC

§2.1 Each account owner can assign one or more sitters, who can play their avatar during the account owner's absence. Sitters must play the assigned avatar according to that avatar's best interest. Misuse of this feature can be punished. Sitters of an avatar can log into the avatar using the login information of their own account.
Travian Games is not liable for damage done by a sitter and no compensation will be given. The account owner is fully responsible for any actions taken by sitters. If a sitter acts in violation of Travian Games' Terms & Conditions, both the account/avatar owner as well as the sitter may be punished.

§2.2 Players sharing a PC and wanting to play the avatars of each other, can do so using the sitter function.

§3. Use of external applications

Travian Kingdoms must be played using the official Travian Kingdoms app or an unmodified, conventional browser. Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer 10 and above are all supported, excluding any alpha and beta versions. Moreover, Travian Kingdoms does not support any third-party mobile applications.

The use of scripts, bots or apps to automate actions is not allowed.

The use of proxy servers and similar tools to access the game is not forbidden, but it is also not supported. If access to the game is denied to a proxy or a similar tool’s IP address, Travian Games will not rectify the issue.

§4. Program Errors

Errors in the game may not be used to an avatar’s benefit or to impair other accounts. Abuse of any error is punishable. Players who encounter game errors have to report them immediately to our support.

§5. Money and in-game currency transactions

Selling or buying accounts, units, villages, resources, services or any other aspects of Travian Kingdoms for real money is not permitted. Selling Travian Kingdoms accounts or indirectly transferring them (even as a gift) in combination with auction pages or other financial transactions is not permitted. Any attempt to manipulate or misuse the in-game auction system of Travian Kingdoms in order to move game currency from one avatar to another, is not allowed. The transfer of Gold to another (lobby) account is not possible.

§6. Netiquette

English is the only officially supported language.

Players must always communicate in a polite manner.

Inappropriate profiles, village names, and hero names may be edited by the Rule Enforcement Team without warning. Kingdoms with inappropriate names and/or content not in the official domain language in the profile, public forum, and any other public areas may be deleted on sight.

  • The following conduct is strictly forbidden: Abusive, defamatory, sexist, racist or profane language, negative behavior toward any religion, race, nation, gender, age group or sexual orientation, real-life threats, impersonating Travian Kingdoms staff or official positions within the company.
  • The game is to be kept free of real world politics.
  • Posting and displaying material not suitable for minors is forbidden.
  • Messages within the game may only be published with the consent of both parties. Publishing messages or emails to or from Travian Kingdoms staff is forbidden, unless given explicit consent. Advertisements of any kind are not permitted.

§7. Punishments

In cases of a violation of the rules or the Terms & Conditions, an avatar shall be banned/suspended and may only be released with a punishment in accordance with the violation that occurred. Any losses during the time of a ban/suspension, including Plus accounts and Gold will not be replaced by Travian Kingdoms.

Every player is treated equally, regardless of their Gold status. Purposefully abusing the Travian Kingdoms rules regulation system, game mechanics or any other of the Travian Kingdoms regulatory procedures for one's benefit or in order to impair others is impermissible.

A ban/suspension may only be discussed via the Travian Kingdoms Help Center. An email may be sent to a customer service representative if a player is unhappy with the Rule Enforcement Team's decision. Bans, suspensions or deletions and their consequences will not be discussed in public. Any kind of information regarding actions taken against an avatar shall only given to the account owner. This means the Travian Kingdoms team can only answer requests sent via the Travian Kingdoms Help Center directly from the account/avatar or requests sent from the email address registered to the account.

Multi-accounts on the speed server and/or with a population lower than 100 may be deleted without a ban/warning.

Travian reserves the right to impose more severe punishments for repeat offenses not limited to, but including an account being permanently banned.

§8. Rule changes and correction clause

Travian reserves the right to change the rules at any time. If individual provisions of the rules should become ineffective or void, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. The customer service representatives endeavor to replace ineffective provisions with new provisions as quickly as possible.

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