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You can buy and sell hero items at the Auction. There are two ways to get to the Auctions tab.

  1. Click on the button with silver coins at the top of your screen
  2. Click on your hero image and select the Auction tab.

Overview BuyingSelling Silver AccountingExchange Office


Offers that end first appear on the first page, you can see more offers by using the page selector below the table.

When buying items, you can set your personal maximum bid. Of course, it can be outbid by other players.

Be sure that you want the item you bid on because offers can't be canceled, however you can edit the amount you bid. Players can't bid on items which they are selling themselves. These items will be hidden.

The auction time will increase by five minutes each time the highest bid changes during the final five minutes of the auction.

You can use the filters to display just the type of item you are interested in

Item Selection

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