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Hero's equipment

Items overview

In Travian Kingdoms, your hero's equipment will give you advantages that will help you outperform your opponents.

You may change your hero’s equipment at any time with the exception of items that influence the travel speed.  These can only be changed when your hero is not traveling. 

Items for villages or buildings affect the village the hero is assigned to. 

Items only provides its bonus when your hero is currently present. If the hero leaves the village or dies, the items have no effect. 

Items that affect the hero or troops only work for either the hero alone or for troops attacking/defending together with the hero. There is an exeption to this rule:

Weapon boni (e.g. +3 for all clubswingers) affect every unit of this type in the village the hero is located in, no matter which player or village they belong to. 

If there are multiple heroes and they're equipped with items affecting the same troops, these effects do not stack; only the strongest effect will be applied.

Three tiers of equipment items are available.  Each tier will be released at different moments based on the speed of the gameworld .

Tier 1: from day 1 until day (40/speed), 

Tier 2: from the following day until day (80/speed)

Tier 3: from the following day to the end 

Each item also has possible variants to the amount of the bonus.  

For example:  let’s say a helmet offers +10 health points with variants of -2, +0 or +2.  This means that the helmet you see will have either +8, +10 or +12 health points bonus.  

The item will appear in game with one of these amounts of bonus, not all three.  

The amounts of the variants are given in the list of item descriptions below, together with the effects.

Items' descriptions

The game offers many items that can be classified in 6 categories + consumables (this specific items category can be found here). 

Click on the headings of each of the following categories to see the list 

Right hand items

Items for the right hand of your hero are the weapons and can be found during adventures or purchased from the Auction House if they are available.  Select a tribe below to see a list of the specific right hand items.

Gauls Romans Teutons

Here is a list of the different weapons for Gauls:

Spear of the Phalanx 

Tier 1Spear of the Phalanx+500 fighting strength for your hero; +3 attack and +3 defense for each Phalanxvariants : -100, -50, 0, +50 or +100 fighting strength
Tier 2Pike of the Phalanx+1000 fighting strength for your hero; +4 attack and +4 defense for each Phalanxvariants : -200, -100, 0, +100 or +200 fighting strength
Tier 3Lance of the Phalanx+1500 fighting strength for your hero; +5 attack and +5 defense for each Phalanxvariants : +0, +100, +200, +300 or +500 fighting strength

Sword of the Swordsman 

Tier 1Short sword of the Swordsman+500 fighting strength for your hero; +3 attack and +3 defense for each Swordsmanvariants : -100, -50, 0, +50 or +100 fighting strength
Tier 2Sword of the Swordsman+1000 fighting strength for your hero; +4 attack and +4 defense for each Swordsmanvariants : -200, -100, 0, +100 or +200 fighting strength
Tier 3Long sword of the Swordsman+1500 fighting strength for your hero; +5 attack and +5 defense for each Swordsmanvariants : +0, +100, +200, +300 or +500 fighting strength

Bow of the Theutates 

Tier 1Short bow of the Theutates+500 fighting strength for your hero; +6 attack and +6 defense for each Theutates Thundervariants : -100, -50, 0, +50 or +100 fighting strength
Tier 2Bow of the Theutates+1000 fighting strength for your hero; +8 attack and +8 defense for each Theutates Thundervariants : -200, -100, 0, +100 or +200 fighting strength
Tier 3Long bow of the Theutates+1500 fighting strength for your hero; +10 attack and +10 defense for each Theutates Thundervariants : +0, +100, +200, +300 or +500 fighting strength

Staff of the Druidrider 

Tier 1Walking-staff of the Druidrider+500 fighting strength for your hero; +6 attack and +6 defense for each Druidridervariants : -100, -50, 0, +50 or +100 fighting strength
Tier 2Staff of the Druidrider+1000 fighting strength for your hero; +8 attack and +8 defense for each Druidridervariants : -200, -100, 0, +100 or +200 fighting strength
Tier 3Fighting-staff of the Druidrider+1500 fighting strength for your hero; +10 attack and +10 defense for each Druidridervariants : +0, +100, +200, +300 or +500 fighting strength

Lance of the Haeduan 

Tier 1Light lance of the Haeduan+500 fighting strength for your hero; +9 attack and +9 defense for each Haeduanvariants : -100, -50, 0, +50 or +100 fighting strength
Tier 2Lance of the Haeduan+1000 fighting strength for your hero; +12 attack and +12 defense for each Haeduanvariants : -200, -100, 0, +100 or +200 fighting strength
Tier 3Heavy lance of the Haeduan+1500 fighting strength for your hero; +15 attack and +15 defense for each Haeduanvariants : +0, +100, +200, +300 or +500 fighting strength

Left hand items

Left hand items for your hero provide various bonuses and can be found during adventures or purchased from the Auction House if they are available. Here is a list of the different left hand items that are available in Travian Kingdoms.


Tier 1Small Map30% faster return (counts for the hero and all troops with him)variants : -10, -5, +0, +5 or +10 %
Tier 2Map50% faster return (counts for the hero and all troops with him)variants : -10, -5, +0, +5 or +10 %
Tier 3Large Map80% faster return (counts for the hero and all troops with him)variants : +0, +5, +10, +15, or +20 %


Tier 1Small Pennant30% faster troops between own villagesvariants : -5, +0 or +5 %
Tier 2Pennant40% faster troops between own villagesvariants : -5, +0 or +5 %
Tier 3Great Pennant50% faster troops between own villagesvariants : -5, +0 or +5 %


Tier 1Small Standard15% faster troops between alliance membersvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 %
Tier 2Standard20% faster troops between alliance membersvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 %
Tier 3Great Standard25% faster troops between alliance membersvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 %

Spy Glasses 

Tier 1Small Spy-glassReveals the troop types of attacks with less than 5 troops + Rally Point levelvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 troops
Tier 2Spy-glassReveals the troop types of attacks with less than 10 troops + Rally Point levelvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 troops
Tier 3Great Spy-glassReveals the troop types of attacks with less than 15 troops + Rally Point levelvariants : +0, +1, +2, +3 or +5 troops


Tier 1Pouch of the Thief10% plunder bonusvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 %
Tier 2Bag of the Thief15% plunder bonusvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 %
Tier 3Sack of the Thief20% plunder bonusvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 %


Tier 1Small Shield+500 fighting strength for Herovariants : -100, -50, +0, +50 or +100 fighting strength
Tier 2Shield+1000 fighting strength for Herovariants : -200, -100, +0, +100 or +200 fighting strength
Tier 3Large Shield+1500 fighting strength for Herovariants : +0, +100. +200, +300 or +500 fighting strength


Tier 1Small Horn of the Natarian+20% attacking strength against Natarsvariants : -2, -1, 0, +1 or +2 %
Tier 2Horn of the Natarian+25% attacking strength against Natarsvariants : -2, -1, 0, +1 or +2 %
Tier 3Huge Horn of the Natarian+30% attacking strength against Natarsvariants : -2, -1, 0, +1 or +2 %


Helmets for your hero can be found during adventures or purchased from the Auction House if they are available. Here is a list of the different helmets that are available in Travian Kingdoms.

Helmet of Health 

Tier 1Helmet of Regeneration+10 health points per dayvariants : -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2 HP/day
Tier 2Helmet of Health+15 health points per dayvariants : -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2 HP/day
Tier 3Helmet of Healing+20 health points per dayvariants : -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2 HP/day

Helmet of Culture

Tier 1Helmet of the Gladiator+ 50*speed culture points per dayvariants : -20, -10, 0, +10, or +20 (*speed) HP/day
Tier 2Helmet of the Tribune+ 200*speed culture points per dayvariants : -50, -25, 0, +25, or +50 (*speed) HP/day
Tier 3Helmet of the Consul+ 800*speed culture points per dayvariants : -200, -100, 0, +100, or +200 (*speed) HP/day

Helmet of Cavalry

Tier 1Helmet of the Horseman-10% training time in stablevariants : -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2 %
Tier 2Helmet of the Cavalry-15% training time in stablevariants : -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2 %
Tier 3Helmet of the Heavy Cavalry-20% training time in stablevariants : -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2 %

Helmet of Infantry

Tier 1Helmet of the Mercenary-10% training time in barracksvariants : -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2 %
Tier 2Helmet of the Warrior-15% training time in barracksvariants : -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2 %
Tier 3Helmet of the Archon-20% training time in barracksvariants : -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2 %


Armors for your hero can be found during adventures or purchased from the Auction House if they are available. Here is a list of the different armors that are available in Travian Kingdoms.

Armors of Health 

Tier 1Armor of Regeneration+20 health points per dayvariants : -4, -2, 0, +2, or +4 HP/day
Tier 2Armor of Health+30 health points per dayvariants : -4, -2, 0, +2, or +4 HP/day
Tier 3Armor of Healing+40 health points per dayvariants : -4, -2, 0, +2, or +4 HP/day

Scale Armors

Tier 1Light Scale ArmorDamage reduced by 4 health points + 10 HP/dayvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 HP/day
Tier 2Scale ArmorDamage reduced by 6 health points + 15 HP/dayvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 HP/day
Tier 3Heavy Scale ArmorDamage reduced by 8 health points + 20 HP/dayvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 HP/day

Breast-Plate Armors

Tier 1Light Breast-plate Armor+500 fighting strength for herovariants : -100, -50, +0, +50 or +100 fighting strength
Tier 2Breast-plate Armor+1000 fighting strength for herovariants : -200, -100, +0, +100 or +200 fighting strength
Tier 3Heavy Breast-plate Armor+1500 fighting strength for herovariants : +0, +100, +200, +300 or +500 fighting strength

Chainmail Armors

Tier 1Light ChainmailDamage reduced by 3 health points and +250 fighting strength for herovariants : -50, -25, +0, +25 or +50 fighting strength
Tier 2ChainmailDamage reduced by 4 health points and +500 fighting strength for herovariants : -100, -50, +0, +50 or +100 fighting strength
Tier 3Heavy ChainmailDamage reduced by 5 health points and +750 fighting strength for herovariants : +0, +50, +100, +150 or +250 fighting strength


Boots for your hero can be found during adventures or purchased from the Auction House if they are available. Here is a list of the different boots that are available in Travian Kingdoms.

Shoes of Awareness

Tier 1Boots of Knowledge+15% more experience for the herovariants : -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2 %
Tier 2Boots of Enlightenment+20% more experience for the herovariants : -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2 %
Tier 3Boots of Wisdom+25% more experience for the herovariants : 0, +1, +2, +3 or +5 %

Shoes of Endurance

Tier 1Boots of the Mercenary+25% speed on the army's base speed for distances > 20 fieldsvariants : -10, -5, +0, +5, or +10 %
Tier 2Boots of the Warrior+50% speed on the army's base speed for distances > 20 fieldsvariants : -10, -5, +0, +5, or +10 %
Tier 3Boots of the Archon+75% speed on the army's base speed for distances > 20 fieldsvariants : +0, +5, +10, +15, or +25 %


Tier 1Small Spurs+2 fields per hour for mounted heroesvariants : 0, +1 field/h
Tier 2Spurs+4 fields per hour for mounted heroesvariants : 0, +1 field/h
Tier 3Nasty Spurs+6 fields per hour for mounted heroesvariants : 0, +1 field/h

Boots of the Chicken

Tier 1Boots of the Chicken *+200 troops evade an incoming attack together with the hero and return to the village after 180 secondsvariants : -50, -25, +0, +25 or +50 troops
Tier 2Boots of the Chicken *+1000 troops evade an incoming attack together with the hero and return to the village after 180 secondsvariants : -200, -100, +0, +100 or +200 troops
Tier 3Boots of the Chicken *+2000 troops evade an incoming attack together with the hero and return to the village after 180 secondsvariants : -500, -250, +0, +250 or +500 troops

* All tiers of Boots of the Chicken have the same name. Check the statistics to know which tier you have !


Mounts for your hero can be found during adventures or purchased from the Auction House if they are available. Here is a list of the different horses that are available in Travian Kingdoms.

Horses can have three different colors (white, black or brown), but this does not change their characteristics.

Tier 1GeldingThe speed of your mounted hero is raised to 14 fields per hourvariants : no variant
Tier 2ThoroughbredThe speed of your mounted hero is raised to 17 fields per hour on a 1x speed gameworldvariants : -2, -1, +0, +1 or +2 fields per hour
Tier 3WarhorseThe speed of your mounted hero is raised to 20 fields per hour on a 1x speed gameworldvariants : +0, +1, +2, +3 or +5 fields per hour


  • The speed boost for the mounts applies only when hero is equipped with a horse
  • The speed boost for the mounts applies to the hero only, not accompanying troops
  • Gaul tribe: +5 field bonus per hour for hero if mounted
  • Your hero count as cavalry if he is equipped with a horse and as infantry if he is not equipped with a horse
Upgrade gems can be earned in the card game: use them to improve the effects of some of the equipment!

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