Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Kingdom: In certain cases, the “protection” button was shown instead of the “Invite to kingdom.” Now the buttons work as intended.
- Attack: Morale Malus no longer applies to Natars.
- Chat: Messages are now properly marked as read after a page refresh.
- Names: It’s no longer possible to impersonate other players or kingdoms.
- Tutorial: The arrow for “Call back troops” in the king’s tutorial is now correctly positioned.
- Kingdom: Tributes can now be seen and collected correctly from foreign vice-kings in the village details screen.
- Crop production: The horse drinking through bonus remains for troops coming back from robber hideouts and NPC villages
- Tributes: After collecting multiple tributes at once, the tooltip is now displayed correctly.
- Troop movement: Attacks and scout movements are now displayed separately in the village overview.
- Marketplace: Trade routes are now always scheduled according to your set timezone, and need to be reconfirmed after certain timezone changes.
- Kingdom: The treasury always exerts influence after coronation and uniting.
- Trapper: Traps are refunded instantly as soon as captured troops are deleted.
- Vacation: It’s now possible to send merchants or set up trade routes for yourself if you are on vacation.
- Marketplace: The confirmation popup for unlocking the 3rd merchant repetition now correctly displays 25 Gold.
- Buildings: Level 0 buildings no longer remain in the village after their construction order has been canceled.
- Quest: No error is displayed when selecting the “Residence level 5” or “Warehouse level 10” quest.
- Achievement: “I managed an Empire” achievement gets updated correctly when new villages are settled within your territory.
- Fealty System: When purchasing a shop bundle, your Fealty level no longer changes right after Beginner’s protection.
Newly added fixes 12.08.2024
- Lobby name: Test world no longer changes your lobby name
- Error message: “Invalid error” no longer shows up when granting protection to a player from another kingdom on your border
- VIP Shop buttons: General improvements