Dear players,
Worlds that start in July 2024 are updated to v.0.110. The Fealty System, along with bug fixes, arrives in all starting worlds going forward.
Fealty System
- Fealty System has been implemented.
- Players can be invited for promotion to Duke only if he is currently a Governor in the Kingdom. It’s not longer possible to invite a Player outside the kingdom borders as Duke.
- Boots that give an experience boost for the Hero no longer affect Quest rewards or Scrolls but only experience earned from battles and adventures. The Fealty bonus for experience works the same way.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Tribute generation for banned players has been disabled.
- The governor’s tribute shows now correctly when the tribute fund is full in the Governor’s village.
- Fixed an Oasis layout issue in the Embassy.
- Tributes can be collected by a King or Vice-King with the shortest distance from their treasury to the village.
- An NPC governor’s village can no longer turn into a third robber hideout after the King’s abdication and relocation.
- The tribute bar now resets correctly when a Governor gets attacked
- Duke and Vice-king will both see reports of all kingdom members when a village they both reinforce is attacked.
- Event jams no longer cause attacks/raids to show as greetings but are processed without delay before peace starts.
- Quest rewards for “building upgrade” now refund all levels queued and paid.
- Resource production in the top bar is now updated correctly when adding attribute points to resource production or when the hero is revived.
- The game no longer gets stuck for Kings who delete their game progress in the lobby during the tutorial.
- Fixed an issue with the building queue when relocating with a moat upgrade queued in the previous location.
- World Wonders that finish in the same second no longer lead to extra prestige, victory points, or achievements.
- Added a new Lobby Prestige Level

Bug Fixes from v.1.08 - Candy Hunt
All live worlds will get the following bug fixes. We are able to fix bugs because you report them! Thank you
- Building queue: When filling the building queue slots with the same building, the next level sometimes didn’t upgrade automatically. This has now been fixed.
- Ice fishing: In December, the winter theme will be available again. We made sure you’ll be able to do your favorite activity in multiplayer games, even in winter, and go fishing.
- Relocation:
- City: If a player relocated with a city and then lost inhabitants, the downsizing to a village didn’t work properly. This has now been fixed.
- Village naming: If you decided to just press the same key three times instead of properly naming your first village, only one of those characters survived a relocation. This is fixed now, and you can be as uncreative as you want to be when it comes to naming your villages.
- Farm lists: If a village on your farm list got conquered, it sometimes did not get removed automatically from the list. This has now been fixed.
- Field marker: If you play as a governor and have marked fields on the map, you weren’t able to see kingdom markers on the same field until later in some cases. This has been fixed and you will see these markers immediately.