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Great Deals

A page in the Gold Shop offers special packages. They are called "Great Deals"

You will find Travian Plus and Resource Bonus packs valid for the whole game world  duration :

But also specific packs only available at the beginning and at the end of the round :

Starter package

is only available at the beginning of the round. A countdown timer shows the remaining availability at the top of the package.
It can be bought with gold.

It contains useful elements for an easy start :

  • Silver for auctions (or to exchange to Gold)
  • 4x NPC trader to redistibute resources
  • 5x Finish now to build at the speed of light
  • 20 Ointments to heal the hero
  • 20 Small bandages to heal your troops
  • 1 Book of wisdom to redistribute the hero's attribute points

Era of Wonders Package

Becomes available when the World Wonders appear. It's only possible to purchase this package for money.

The package is available for 7 days after the Word Wonders appear (5 days for 3x speed and 3 days for 5x speed). This is shown by a countdown at the top of the package.

The package dynamically updates its content based on what the player has already unlocked, this is because the package contains permanent unlocks and boosts. 

Therefore, the bundle has 4 variations based on the player's previous purchases and unlocks.

Default Content:

  • 35 Gold
  • 5x Traders deliver instantly
  • 5x Travian Plus (x days, depending on the speed of the game world)
  • 1x Extra Merchant Repetition
  • 5x NPC trader

If there are active boosts, the Gold will be adjusted:

  • Travian Plus Unlocked: 85 Gold
  • Extra Merchant Repetition Unlocked: 85 Gold
  • Travian Plus and Extra Merchant Repetition Unlocked: 135 Gold 

In some exceptional circumstances, in connection with a specific event, you will also find limited time packs on this page... as for example the Adventure packs :

See also : Gold Features and How to get Gold?

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