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How can I transfer my Gold to another game world?

What is Gold Transfer?

When a gameworld round ends, or you delete your avatar on a game world, you may transfer any unused, purchased Gold that you had left. Your remaining Gold will be transfered automatically to the Lobby.


Gold will not be transferred if the avatar is banned!

How much Gold can be transferred?

Only Gold that you have purchased can be transferred. Gold that you transfered into the server can be transferred again. Any Gold that you obtained any other ways such as from tasks, exchanging with Silver etc. is not transferable.

Where can I transfer my Gold?

You can transfer your Gold to every game world you have an avatar on. That avatar must not be banned, in the tutorial or in deletion.


Gold bought on a Travian Kingdoms world is only valid for Travian Kingdoms worlds, Gold from Travian:Legends is not transferable to Travian Kingdoms or vice versa.

You cant transfer gold from one account to another (that means duals cant transfer gold to each other)

What is the flag by the Gold in the lobby?

Gold is only transferable between game worlds of countries with the same Gold prices (e.g. the domains “COM” and “DE” have the same Gold prices. The “RU” and "TR" domains, however, not.)

That means that Gold from RU game worlds can only be transferred to other RU game world; Gold from TR game worlds can only be transferred to other TR game worlds. This is visualized by the flags, which show you to which game world you can transfer the Gold.

International Gold (shown with the international flag) can be transferred to any game world.

How can I transfer my Gold?

Once your Gold is transferred to the Lobby, you can see it in the game world overview.

BP Remaining

Simply choose the game world you want to use the Gold on and click "Transfer to game world". Keep in mind that you cannot split the Gold and that the transfer can't be undone. The complete amount will be transferred to the selected game world.

How can I transfer my Gold from TEST game worlds?

TEST Gold can be transferred only within the TEST game worlds. This means your bought leftover TEST Gold will be transferred to the lobby. There, it will be marked as TEST Gold, and you will only be able to use it on other TEST game rounds. You won't be able to transfer not TEST Gold to the TEST rounds.

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