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How to report a player?

It is possible that you may experience a situation that you feel is inappropriate and/or does not respect the game's rules.

Fair play is our main goal. A rule violation is unfair, especially toward the players who respect the rules. You can help keep the game fair by reporting suspicious players to us. Below you will find a guide that explains how to proceed.

There are three main categories of reporting, each with its own method. You can report a player via the Help Center for different rule violations or directly with the report button for communication (conversations or chat).

Game Violation Conversation Violation Chat ViolationInfo

This refers to all violations of the game rules that are not associated with direct communication between players. (E.g., multi-accounts, inappropriate content in names or profiles, clearly suspicious in-game behaviour.)

To report this type of situation to our team, use the contact form in the Help Center. 

Please follow these three steps:

Item Selection

Item Selection At the bottom of the page

Item SelectionIn the left section of the Help Center:

You have reached the contact form!

  1. Select the category in the list: "Report player" is relevant here.
  2. Enter your email, username, and game world.
  3. Choose a meaningful subject for your post.
  4. In the "Description" field, write what you have noticed and describe what you want the team to check. Feel free to add additional info that could be relevant to this player's offence.


although the team members are very observant (it's true! ;-) ) and can see many things, they are not all-knowing! If you don't indicate what to check, they could overlook what you meant. Show at least the player's name, the nature of the infringement, the time, and the evidence that shows it. The more relevant information you provide, the more accurate the verification will be.

After that, you can choose to add an attachment (perhaps a screenshot?) to your report to show what happened.

Finally, once you are ready to send the information to the team, check the boxes for "Privacy Policy" and "reCAPTCHA" and press the "Submit" button.

We will receive your report and investigate the case thoroughly, taking the appropriate measures to keep the game fair and orderly.

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