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Dual & Sitter

Being present and active are essential aspects of the game. If you want to increase the activity of your avatar when you don't have enough time, or if you plan to be absent for a while, you can ask other people to take care of your avatar.

You then have two options (which you can use cumulatively): give access as Dual or Sitter.

What is a Dual? What is a Sitter? How to play as a Dual or Sitter

A dual is a player who has a lobby account on Travian Kingdoms but who does not play in the same game world as you.

You accept that he plays with your avatar as if it was his own.

Owner and Duals play one avatar together to increase the online activity of the avatar.

A Dual has almost the same rights as the owner of the avatar.

You can set up to 2 Duals for your avatar.

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