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Secret Society

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Diplomacy involves mystery, intrigue and even betrayal. Secret societies bring together players with a common goal, hidden from other participants.

No one but the members of the society will know about their existence or goals, unless of course, there are traitors among them.

Overview Start a Secret Society Communities

In your embassy, you can create your own secret society, or accept an invitation to join an existing secret society (if you have received one).

A Secret society will always pursue one of the following two objectives:

  • Bright Secret Societies are for protection
  • Dark Secret Societies fight against villages, players or kingdoms.

Internal statistics will allow each member to have a good overview of how each individual member has contributed towards achieving that goal.

  • Battle and scouts reports would show attacks of the members, including on robbers etc.
  • Display the next attacks for each village This shows the next attack landing on a village outside boundaries (you have to clic on the village to show intel), and also show how many attacks there is.
  • Additional village information (crop production, troopswould show the crop production of the members and also the troops stationed in the village.

Through a common in-game chat, society members can stay in touch and share information regarding troops, supplies and battle reports.

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