Diplomacy involves mystery, intrigue and even betrayal. Secret societies bring together players with a common goal, hidden from other participants. No one but the members of the society will know about their existence or goals, unless of course, there are traitors among them. |
In your embassy, you can create your own secret society, or accept an invitation to join an existing secret society (if you have received one).
A Secret society will always pursue one of the following two objectives:
- Bright Secret Societies are for protection
- Dark Secret Societies fight against villages, players or kingdoms.
Internal statistics will allow each member to have a good overview of how each individual member has contributed towards achieving that goal.
- Battle and scouts reports would show attacks of the members, including on robbers etc.
- Display the next attacks for each village This shows the next attack landing on a village outside boundaries (you have to clic on the village to show intel), and also show how many attacks there is.
- Additional village information (crop production, troops) would show the crop production of the members and also the troops stationed in the village.
Through a common in-game chat, society members can stay in touch and share information regarding troops, supplies and battle reports.
To found a new Secret Society you must have an Embassy (any level). Open the Embassy and click on "Found secret society".
A new screen will pop up where you can enter the name of your society, select a mission, and decide what details you would like to share with each other. After entering all the desired information click on “Found”.
Next, choose “Show details” to open a screen where you can add a description and invite others to join your Secret Society.
- Here, you can see current invitations
- Click on this icon to edit the society description
- List of current members (with info)
- Click on this button to invite a new member to join your secret society.