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You can assume three different roles when playing Travian Kingdoms: king (or vice-king), duke and governor.


  1. Governor is the most common role in a game world. It's the perfect choice for beginners and players who want to be part of a kingdom and not have the added responsibility of leading.
  2. If you choose to be a governor and wish to become a king later, you can found a kingdom through the embassy by selecting the round kingdom button. You must not already hold a leadership position.
  3. A governor can be part of a kingdom or not.
  4. Every governor can be promoted to duke.

Additional governor features

  • Robber hideouts will appear around your capital village every now and again. 
  • You can get stolen goods and resources from them. They are not visible to any other player.
  • Stolen goods can be sold to your king, vice-king or duke (or Bandit chief if the village is outside a kingdom border), in exchange for resources.

The governor's role

The governor is to help the king and expand the kingdom by:

  • Attacking robbers and selling stolen goods to the kingdom.
  • Producing tributes that the king, vice-king or duke can collect.
  • Cooperating with the other kingdom's members.
  • Taking part in the offensive and defensive actions of his kingdom.

Switching Kingdoms

  • When a foreign king exerts more influence on their village than their current king, that king can send an invitation to the governor. 
  • When a foreign king uses a menhir to invite the governor to relocate within his kingdom.

In order to change kingdoms, the governor needs to accept the invitation. 

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