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It is essential for a king (and for his dukes and governors) to expand his kingdom to gain power over others. To expand his kingdom, a king needs to exert influence.

Villages with an active treasury exert a certain influence over the area they are in. The extent of this influence depends on the population and the number of treasures in the village. Also Oases do give minor influence similar to a village with 49 inhabitants. 

The further a square is away from the village, the smaller the influence. 

The influences of all your villages will add up.

If another kingdom has more influence on one or more of your governors' villages, that king will have the opportunity to invite them to join his kingdom.
If the invitation is accepted, they become members of the new kingdom. As soon as the new king has at least one point of influence on the capital village, his area of influence expands around this square.

How Influence works: 

The territory of a kingdom is created by the king's villages that have an active treasury. The more inhabitants these villages have, the greater the influence on the surrounding fields.

  1. The further away a field is, the smaller the influence (1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4,...).
  2. If the king has several villages, their influence will be added together.
  3. Only villages with active treasures create influence and that a king can only have active treasures in half of his villages plus one (example: with 10 villages, he can only have 6 active treasuries).
  4. The influence of a village has a maximum range that depends on the size of the village. In other words, to increase the range of your influence, you need to get more population in your villages with active treasury.
  5. There are different levels for this. With each level, your influence increases.
  6. The levels are: 1, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 inhabitants.

The following animation shows the exact area:

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So the maximum range is 4.1 squares in each direction.

The influence strength on a specific field is determined by 3 factors:

  • Population
  • distance
  • bonus from treasures

The exact formula is: (1+treasure bonus)*population/distance

Through treasures in the treasury, a king will also receive a bonus on the influence of that particular village. This is why the change of treasure ownership might cause a kingdom's area to change. It is not that important how the treasure bonus is calculated, just remember:

  • More pop = increase your influence area
  • More pop and treasures as well as less distance = increase influence strength

As soon as a governor of another kingdom has at least one village in your kingdom, you can invite him to become your governor. To do so, click on one of his villages within your kingdom on the map to open the radial menu.

At 4 o'clock position you find a button invite into kingdom

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In case a governor received an invitation and gets inactive he will automatically join after 3 days.

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