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You can assume three different roles when playing Travian Kingdoms: king (or vice-king), duke and governor.

Item Selection

  1. A duke is a governor promoted by a king or vice-king and granted special privileges.
  2. They help the king develop and protect the kingdom.
  3. Two dukes can be appointed (or four following a kingdom's union).

Treasures and Tributes

As a duke, you have an option to convert one of your hidden treasuries into active state. By doing that, this village will generate influence the same way as kings’ villages do. 

The king and their dukes share information about troops in the villages, battle reports and the actual crop production.

A duke does not generate tributes for the king in villages with an active treasury. Instead, they collect tributes and treasures to expand the kingdom. When a duke receives treasures from other players, these treasures are stored in the duke's own treasury and are not added to the king's tributes.
Duke villages without active treasury generate tributes just like normal governeur villages, which can be collected by the king or vice-king.

Stolen goods sold by the duke are added to the own treasury as well. All the treasures from a duke are counted for the kingdom.

For dukes, robber hideouts spawn at only 50% of the regular speed. This is offset by the duke's ability to collect tribute funds.

Dismissing Dukes

  1. Dismissing a duke automatically deactivates any of their treasuries and transfers any treasures to their tribute fund
  2. The kingdom loses 10 victory points for each active treasure of the dismissed duke. This prevents kingdoms from circumventing the deactivation period for treasures, as a dismissed duke immediately deactivates his treasures.
  3. The kingdom does not lose any victory points if the treasures are inactive.

Additional Duke Features

A duke attacked by his king will not be kicked out of the kingdom (unlike other foreign governors).

If a king abdicates, he is automatically replaced by the duke with the highest population in the kingdom. 

In a kingdom union, the duke have to be promoted to vice-king by the king. If there is neither a king nor a vice-king in a kingdom union, e.g. due to an abdication, the kingdom union is disbanded.

Being a duke is an active role that requires a time commitment. Therefore, a duke cannot enable vacation mode.

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